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Ford Motor Company and the Bayco Oven Decision
作者姓名:Sarah C. Mavrinac; Colin Cruji
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9A98B034
出版日期:1998/11/05內容長度:9 頁

The plant manager at Ford Motor Company's St. Thomas Assembly Plant must decide whether to recommend replacement of the plant's aging Bayco Oven cleaning system. The case presents a simple capital budgeting exercise.

EVA at Ault Foods Limited
作者姓名:Sarah C. Mavrinac; Angela Skubovius; Henry Fiorillo
商品類型:Case (Field)商品編號:9A98B001
出版日期:1998/03/05內容長度:20 頁

The chief financial officer of Ault Food Limited was compiling the data he would need to run a divisional Economic Value Added (EVA) analysis. He had been asked by the CEO of Ault Foods to present the analysis at the next meeting of the board of directors. The CEO must persuade the board that divesting at least one of the company's divisions will be in the best interest of Ault's shareholders. The case is intended to provide an introduction .....more